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  • reesewestonwriter

New Website, and FROM's Anniversary

In the spirit of From the Roof of my Mouth's two-year anniversary of publication, I have decided to rebuild my website. You'll see it's a little easier to navigate, and information is easier to glean.

Some other announcements:

Anniversary Sales

I have setup sales for From the Roof of my Mouth - you can now grab the Kindle edition for $2.99! I have no idea what's going on with the paperback (I put a sale on it as well, but it didn't reflect because Amazon has been doing its own sale), but as of February 27, 2022, you can grab the paperback for under $5. An absolute steal considering it costs $6 to manufacture.

Hardcover Edition

Unfortunately, I procrastinated too much, and Amazon's backlogged--I can't get my hardcover proofs for another month. Nevertheless, a hardcover edition is coming!

The Future of From the Roof of my Mouth

If you enjoyed Nakoa and Ryan's journey, you might be happy to know that I have plans to build this world out--Nakoa and Ryan's story isn't yet complete. They have many things to overcome, still, many adventures still yet to be told. The immediate sequel - To the Back of your Throat - is in tentative planning stages, and I am working with Kaius (my cowriter in other projects) to bring other in-universe characters into the light--which means even when Nakoa and Ryan are finished, their characters will continue to make appearances in those series.

Thank you to everyone who has purchased FROM or has supported me in the journey. I cannot explain how much it means to me that there was anyone out there that believed in this, in me. FROM for sure has its faults--as any novel does--but I stand by much of it.

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